What are you up to this semester?

This semester, I am all about making good grades while still having fun! Baseball season is starting this semester and I am so excited, so I'll be spending a lot of time at the ballpark. Since I go to school in Houston, I'll be making it out to the Rodeo for some fried twinkies and good music.

What is your favorite thing about your University?

I love how diverse the University of Houston is. Everyone is so different and unique. I also love that the University is located in such a large city, so it's pretty tough to get bored.

How would you describe your Henri Girl Vibes?

I am somewhere between a leather jacket and black jeans with holes, and a dainty dress with heels. I dress depending on my mood, but I like to keep it feminine, yet fierce.

What is your go to statement piece?

I love a good pair of booties.